Quick Reviews

Faust Cabernet Sauvignon – Napa – 2013

Bad glass? I was excited by the reviews but found this woefully lacking. Nice mouthfeel but lacking oomph and not much fruit. Dull overall. Perhaps needed more air. May re-rate this if I try it again.

Los Haroldos Nampe Malbec – Argentina – 2015

Out of the bottle the nose was chemical and powerful, but allowing it to sit in the glass (better yet, decant it) for at least a half hour gave way to roses and cinnamon. This is a fruit forward malbec with subtle tannins and low acidity. A great example of the breed. Only the initial nose keeps this from a five-star rating.


Bodegas Santa Ana Caracter Shiraz-Malbec – Argentina – 2016

Horrid, petroleum reek makes you think you’ve put a pile of oil-soaked rags in your mouth; once it’s inside you, it only gets worse. Imagine acid mixed with carcass, and you’re getting the picture. The only sure thing about this wine is that it will absolutely ruin any dish you eat it with. Recommend keeping a stock of these on hand to use in saloon fights, so you can smash the bottle, let the wine fall on the floor, and then use the sharp bits to beat up some horse thieves.
