Quick Reviews

Fetzer Gewurztraminer – 2013

A common bottle you’re likely to find in a supermarket, and usually the only gwertz there. It’s not terrible given the locale, but too much carbonation makes it better suited for a 1950’s soda fountain.


Opus One – 2010

A big, fat red sumo wrestler that will crush you under gobs of purple man-flesh. Come prepared, you wimpy milquetoast.


Boneshaker Zinfandel – Hahn Winery – 2014

A Peter Brady zin, a middle child anxious to stand out by piercing his ear but never achieving much more than a job in the Post Office. Lacking the drama that the name and label imply. Imagine Gwar if they were Amish.


Luna Nuda Pinot Grigio – 2014

An unoffensive greech with better bouquet than sabor, pair with a bland fish dish to fool your guests into thinking that wasn’t week-old tilapia you just served them.
