Quick Reviews
Fetzer Gewurztraminer – 2013
A common bottle you’re likely to find in a supermarket, and usually the only gwertz there. It’s not terrible given the locale, but too much carbonation makes it better suited for a 1950’s soda fountain.
Opus One – 2010
Boneshaker Zinfandel – Hahn Winery – 2014
A Peter Brady zin, a middle child anxious to stand out by piercing his ear but never achieving much more than a job in the Post Office. Lacking the drama that the name and label imply. Imagine Gwar if they were Amish.
Luna Nuda Pinot Grigio – 2014
Las Mulas Carménère – Miguel Torres – 2013
A tasty carménère, a cheap rent boy dressed for the opera, but who pulls of the charade and saves the night.